
Can u get a buzz without getting high or drunk?

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  1. When you have a "buzz" you are drunk or high. That is the first sign that you are feeling the effects of the alcohol or drug.

    EDIT: Whipped cream cans are filled with ntrous oxide (laughing gas), if you turn the can at an angle you can suck the nitrous. This will only give you a short buzz.

    You probably aren't going to find anything to give you a buzz that lasts longer then 15 minutes that isn't a drug or alcohol.

  2. Coffee i guess.

  3. GOOD s*x!

  4. no

  5. Watching a gorgeous sunset or sunrise does it for me.

  6. cigerettes will give you a buzz...personally i like clove cigerettes (i think they taste better)....if you inhale cigars you will get a HUGE buzz...and i hear chewing tobacoo gives you a nice buzz too

    ooo ya i forgot about that salvia stuff that person below me mentioned....i saw my friend smoke some high grade (it comes in grades....of potency i think) and he tripped big time...but only for a few minutes

  7. Running.. I LOVE the "runners high"

  8. I can get a buzz by not consuming enough sugar for the amount of insulin I take... but it can be dangerous.  (diabetic)

  9. Sit and Spin. they need to make big ones for folks that don't use drugs.

  10. hold your breath. get somebody to make you pass out

    There's an herb called salvia divornium and its still legal in most states. you get it at tobacco shops and head shops. gotta be 18 though.

  11. yo look this up bro

    if you smoke nutmeg ( yes nutmeg the spice)

    you can get a high that makes you feel drunk

    but be careful if u smoke too much @ once you can die

    this relly works, u can buy nutmeg at any grocer store

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