
Can u get married at the age of 12?

by Guest56227  |  earlier

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can u get married in the usa at the age of 12 and with out parent consent??? nothing mean plzzz




  1. nopeeeee

    u can get married at 16 with parental consent

    and at 18 u can get married with out parental contsent

  2. nooo

  3. no you cant get married at the age of 12!!!!...and trust you aint even ready to get married!....first learn by cleaning your own underwear!!!

  4. not sure..but if you can im 14 and i wanna get married without my parents consent!!

    i love my hubbie!!

    [[relationship wise we already feel married and its been 2 years since we have been together so i was 12 when we first started dating...but after talking ALL night on the phone the day after we met i knew it was for differant...and we have been through SO much like stuff that alot of ppl dont have to deal with..were so lucky to have eachother!! i wish we could b legally married would give us a excuse to live together...[already tried running away and it didnt] ]]

    well good luck and let me know if you find a place!!


  5. Definitely not.

  6. hey u can't do that in United States maybe you can married over 18 years old

  7.  No you cannot.  16 with parental consent, 18 without.  In VT, anyway.

  8. in most states its atleast 16, and wait until youre older, cause then youll be thinking a whole lot differently.

  9. vegas:]

    you dont have to state your age or anything at some places. idk if its legal though.. my friend got married there when he was 14.

    but good luck getting there without your parents knowing..

  10. If you lived in 57 B.C you could. But not in today's world.....

  11. No. Enjoy your childhood (and watch the movie 13 Going on 30!)

  12. LMFAOOO.



  13. No you cant and why would you want to? Enjoy being young, marriage, bills and responsibilities will come soon enough. Go have fun!

  14. h**l no! You have to have parental consent under 18, but if youre 12, even if you have parental consent, you cant get married. If your parents consented that, theyd probably be under evaluation as to whether or not they are fit parents anyways...

  15. In some states you can get married at 16, but certainly not 12.

  16. Most states will say no and a few will let you get married at the age of 16! And yes that is without parental consent

  17. I doubt it, and why on earth would you want to? I've been married for 5 years- we were in our 20s. You need to grow up before you get married, by the time you are 25 you will be a completely different person than you are now. Marriage is as big as being a parent, not something to enter into lightly. You have to know what you are doing and at 12 you barely know how to put on a bra, let alone be in an adult relationship.

  18. No. In order to get married that young in the US you have to have your parents consent...and even then it is based on where you are living.

  19. no no no no no no no no

    what are you thinking ?

  20. most places its 14 with parents permission and 18 w/o

  21. no, you can't.

    you're not even a teenager yet, and teenagers arent even allowed to get married without parental approval!

  22. No, you have to be eighteen to get married legally without parental consent in the united states. In some states you can get married at sixteen without parental consent if you're pregnant or have a child with that person. You should just wait until you are an adult and then it wont be a problem

  23. NOPE thats a pipe dream

  24. no

    you might be able to be whatever it is in arranged marrages where you are dedicated for that person...but you are not married until you are of age.

    why do you ask?

    even if they went out of the country to get married and came back in it wouldn't be valid

  25. No, you can not get married at that age, especially without parental consent. Maybe in a different country you will have some luck.

    But, in all reality, you don't want to get married at 12. You're not even a teenager yet, and that's tying yourself down really early. Remember "Til death do us part".

  26. is this a joke? of course you can't get married when you are 12.

    enjoy your childhood.

  27. yea but not without a perent consent

  28. no, and nor should you be able to....12.....get into church, pray, dont get pregnant please

  29. noo..


  30. nope sorry sugar plum! that is too young the age you can marry is at 16 and that's with parent consent besides why would you want to marry you're not even a teen!

    enjoy your youthful years because once they're gone, they're gone and many people wish to go back to those years and marriage is too much commitment at young ages! :3

  31. in africa you can!

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