
Can u get the AIDS from a car wash?

by  |  earlier

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Can u get the AIDS from a car wash?




  1. 2 points for me!!!!!

  2. How may I ask would you or could you possibly get AIDS from a car wash? first of all, you get HIV virus first, and then it can turn to full blown aids......HIV is an air borne virus. as soon as it touches the air it I really dont get this question

  3. yes, but do they actually let you have unprotected s*x with an infected partner in a car wash????

  4. if the car wash had AIDS water then yes you can

  5. Only if you walk through naked, rubbing against somebody else who is naked that has aids.

  6. Grow up you ignorant pig

  7. Not unless you have unprotected s*x with it, and it was HIV+.  If you are serious with this question please find a local AIDS service organization and take a course on HIV 101 so you understand how HIV is transmitted.

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