
Can u give me a brief snapshot of culture trends/personality per ethnicity? E.g. Greeks value family/communit?

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japanese- clean, good morals

indians- highly value education

brazilians- very flamboyant

australians- very fun-loving/social ppl





chinese? etc etc ..

any you can think of that uve noticed some trends going on, would be awesome. thanks bunches!




  1. Ok lovey... ya question isn't that clear... but i think i know what ya gettin at. Now, I'm an Aussi.. on the whole.. the stereotype is fairly spot on. But don't you think your being slightly presumptuous about the whole thing? don't forget, there is always a body of people that do not fit the stereotype.

    Hmmmm... welllll.. lets see.. i noticed you didn't list Americans! Well this is what 'everyone' says about them: Loud, Rude, Uneducated, lacking respect, Bring guns to school....and well..everywere they go,Think their the most powerful nation...quite wrongly so. Probably have the greatest ingrained racial superiority out of all westernised countries...(oh wait..all countries) and what a bunch of d*ckheads for supporting that w*anker of a president.

    Now this isn't something that i believe, and i don't know if you've heard it all before, but if you havent, hows that for a misconception!?

  2. Okay I guess I'll give a few a go .. but these are only sterotypes mind you ...

    New Zealanders - Kiwis, friendly, good at sport, outdoors, camping, rugby, tall poppy syndrome

    French - Fashionable, loud, good at cooking, value on education, Academic (school on saturday)

    Dutch - Tall (statistically tallest people in the world), Sporty (soccer), Liberal (marajuana is legal along with alot of other things)

    Italian - Passionate, family values, history, fashionable, great food, talkative, loud, friendly, catholic

    Americans - education is important, sporty, political, patriotic people, sometimes loud

  3. Stereotypes, stereotypes. . . but while you're at it.....

    American Indians--drunken, nature lovers (I am an enrolled Native American.....and that's the stereotype I have heard my whole life)

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