
Can u give me a list of some of the swat/police games where u are police arresting people etc?

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that would be great




  1. That's sick! Arrest is a horrible thing and should never be turned into a game.

  2. True Crime: NYC and True Crime: Street of LA. When you choose to not do the missions you can drive around and respond to calls like Officer in need of backup and Robbery in Progress et....Those are games when your a Police Officer and your in street clothes but the mission will turn you into a bad cop at times. There is also a computer series called Swat. You are the Swat team and you will get called to do a mission like a Search Warrant in a Restaurant because a criminal was seen entering. You would then go into the building, restrain all civilians, and then either kill or arrest the suspects.

    My Opinion is that you should probably get Swat 4 and True Crime: NYC. They are both pretty recent and fun to play. Streets of LA is pretty old and the mission are a bit boring so I'd stay away from that one if you could. NYC has a full street by street layout of Manhattan, New York which is very realistic. Apartment Buildings, Stores, Restaurants, Hot Dogs Vendors and more.    


    True Crime: NYC -

    True Crime: Streets of LA -

    Swat 4 -

    Hope I helped. Keep me updated on what you get and how you like it. Good Luck!

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