
Can u give me an advice for my speech problem? The problem is that i don't move my lip closly ?

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to use the words....I also speak too fast without thinking or focusing..I really don't need a speech therapy......I also have a listening problem...How can i improve my speech and my listening skill...thank u so much




  1. The best way is to take out a book and whenever you can, read aloud to yourself. Just listen to yourself, can you understand what you are saying when you are reading? If not, slow down and emphasize each word. This will help you listen plus help you speak. Read slowly and confidently, stress each word and move your lips.

    Take out a mirror and say the alphabet. Now, read a book or something and watch your lips in the mirror. Are you making each word full? Exaggerate the motions, it'll feel dumb but it will help. Open your mouth wide, go through the movements, watch yourself say each syllable.

    Okay, those are basics. When you think that you are sounding better, then just take out a book again and continue reading to yourself outloud. Try to read the newspapers outloud, raise your hand in class and participate, talk on the phone. Try to vocalize whenever possible.

    Listening skills. Play an audiobook or have someone read something to you. Repeat what you heard. Keep repeating as much as you can remember, then have them read more and try again.

    Just practice saying words and repeating words, it'll help you understand just exactly what you need to work on, and then you can specialize in that.

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