
Can u give me details of omni hotel in canada?

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is tere is any hotel by the name omni hotel also give me details




  1. Let me guess: out of the blue, you were given a job offer at Omni Hotels or have otherwise won something to do with Omni Hotels...right?

    It is a scam! Delete the message. Send no contact information or all...ever...

    There is a Nigerian scam about Omni hotels.

  2. SCAM!!!!

  3. Be careful. There's a Nigerian type scam circulating that involves the Omni Hotel.

  4. This whole d**n Omni Hotel scam has got Nigerian crooks behind it???

    Are you guys kidding me?!?

    About time someone revealed where it was all coming from!

    Thanks for the info!

    Keep your eyes peeled!

    As a matter of fact, let's all keep our eyes peeled from now on!

    I can't help wondering why those dishonest folks chose that particular hotel in Montreal though...

    Talk about giving one of our reputable establishments a bad name!

    How are they making any honest income at that hotel lately since those crooks have used it as a cover up for their fraudulent activities, so to speak?!?

  5. it is a SCAM,do not send money or personal information

  6. it's a scam don't give them any personal info like your name phone number address etc

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