
Can u give your top ten places to visit in rome and why?

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  1. There are too many beautiful places to visit in Italy - 10 is not enough!

  2. A purely personal and eclectic list based on two separate trips to Rome.

    1. Villa Borghese including Gallery. Excellent Museum of Bernini Art. The gardens are a quiet respite from the bustle and heat of Rome.

    2. The Forum and Colosseum Rome at its peak.

    3. Basilica de San Paolo Fuori le Mura. Nice change of pace.

    4. Vatican City when in Rome, Crowds but worth the full day it deserves.

    5. The Pantheon. Be amazed at the architecture and workmanship.

    6. Shopping on the Via del Corso and the Via Condotti. See how the other half live and maybe buy an Armani Tie for 100 Euro.

    7. Have to see the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish steps because you're there.

    8. Piazza Navona maybe the fountains will all be available for viewing when you're there.

    9. Trastevere market Porta Portese for a shopping treat.

    10. Gelato Not as good as Firenze but passable. Get a big bowl and walk where your feet take you. Enjoy the sites, drop into small churches and view their treasures. One example is Santa Maria Vittorio on via XX Settembre and Via Barbarini. There is a Bernini to write home about.

  3. just wander around, every corner corner has a historical landmark, none better than the other

  4. hi I'am roman...

    believe must only walk without any destination...

    at Rome is all beautiful...every corner you see, you can find some special thing!!!

    take only a camera and good amusement!!!

  5. no sry

  6. Don't miss the Trevi Fountain it is larger than LIFE!!!, The Coliseum and the Roman Forum. Have a Gelato across the street from the Forum. Be prepared to sit in traffic if you are driving.

    The train station is across the street from the Coliseum and the Forum.

    If you travel south a bit, there is a small village called Frascotti, and it is awesome and very authentic!

  7. While I liked Rome, i did not appreciate it as much as I should have....I didn;t do enough research and missed out on some things or luckily stumbled upon them but didn't realise their significance.....more below!

    1. Collosuem....didn;t go in as it was closed for Good Friday...the Pope was visiting to do stations of the cross and was closed for security reasons prior!! grrrrr but looked pretty cool

    2. Trevi fountain...a lucky find...I actually had no idea what it was but lots of people here..wonder why....hmm pretty fountain....I'll take a few pictures...ok on my way.....that was it 5 mins if that!

    3. Roman forum..another opps moment....i saw it, took 1 photo (out of focus) and moved on..I had NO IDEA what it was but still looked ok

    4. Vatican City...pretty cool ( being catholic and all), did the sunday ( easter) mass and all.

    5...a wish I had moment...vatican museums...where the sistene chapel was close good friday ( day I arrived) open sat ( the day I went to Pompeii...highly recommend that), it was closed sun and mon when I I wish I had seen it but didn;t

    6. Pantheon...quite cool and the nearby Piazza navarro

    7. angels and demons things....I had literally just read the book by Dan Brown writer of the davinci code ( on the train to Rome)..its the first book but I went to a couple of the places in the churches etc which was quite good and fresh in my mind

    8. the cake decoration....can't remember exactly what its called but its this huge ostentaceous building with a ginormous horse that apparently held a tea party for 15 inside.... interesting to look at

    9. hmmmm forgetting things now....I personally found the Spanish steps a flowers, scaffolding on the buildings behind....but apparently its nice in season

    10.....ummmmmmm a bus tour????

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