
Can u go to college while working on your ged?

by  |  earlier

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yes, i am worken to go get my GED so far so good ! it is a communty college here in Iowa.




  1. You need a GED to go to college.  So the answer would be No.

  2. depends on the college. In California, there are community colleges and you would be able to enroll - although if you are under 18 they may make you jump threw a few hoops.

  3. No, you must have your GED or High School diploma before any college will allow you to enroll.

  4. no.  you can't go to any college without some type of high school degree or equivalent certificate.  

  5. i dont think so.

  6. No you need to get your GED first. That's a requirement. It may be possible that if a community college has a GED program, you may be able to take a class or classes in parallel. There is also the possibility that you may be able to pay for a class just to take for educational purposes and not as part of a degree program, and then ask for credit for it later. It would have to be an accredited class, though. I'm not confident you can do that, but you may be able to so ask a local cc.

  7. Yes. Some community college's have a "Duel Enrollment" program. You can earn college credits and finish High School / GED at the same time. Most states permit this.

  8. Yes I did

  9. No, I don't think so. A GED is equal to a high school diploma...and you definitely need that to get into college.

  10. hey, i have the same question...I am 18..I dropped out of school when I was in the 10th grade when I had a baby..i have 2 kids now (3yrs and 6mos)...I wanna get my ged and go 2 college at the same time..Will financial aid help me even though I don't have my GED?..What do i say when i go to enroll?..I'm sorry that i asked another'm really confused!!!

  11. you need your ged first

    then college

  12. The truth is no youdon'tt UNLESS you are going to a private college like a university. If you go to a community college you can take both or one or the other. I did not have my high school or GED and I was about one year and sixmonthss done with classes leaving me a half of year to finish my A.A degree. Now......... you cant get no degree unless you have a high school or GED. But you can start going to college. That istakingn a step back words. You should just get your GED done first, from myexperiencee it would of been better to do that, but o well. Good luck on your decision.

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