
Can u guide me to use the metro in paris? and also the weather in paris in september from 19th?

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I will be staying in Gennevilliers so if someone can temme the nearest station and metro routes from and to the famous spots in Paris?




  1. Gennevilliers is a suburb north west of Paris. It depends where you will be staying in Gennevilliers but it has one métro station and 2 RER stations :

    - Asnières-Gennevilliers-les Courtilles (métro line 13)

    - Gennevilliers (RER C)

    - Les Grésillons (RER C)

    Here is a little tutorial on how to ride the Paris subway:

    Here is a map of the network:

    (the Gennevilliers RER stop doesn't show on this map because this map focuses on Paris and doesn't show all the stops in the suburbs, but it's one stop north of les Grésillons. The French version shows all the stops: )

    Look north west outside Paris (Paris has a white background, the suburbs a pink/beige one). Métro 13 is a thin light blue line and RER C is a thick yellow one. Then follow these lines into Paris and see where they take you in Paris and what lines you need to transfer with to go attractions. If you buy a guide book listing attractions it will tell you which métro stop and line is the closest.

    More info on the tourist office website:

    And finally some maps showing where attractions are: (click on the tourism tab)

    As you can see Gennevilliers is not the most convenient location to visit Paris (although feasable thanks to a great commuter network). So as Rillifane said, unless you have free accomodation in Gennevilliers which might explain why you are staying there, it might still be time to book somewhere closer to the heart of the city.

    As for the weather, it is unpredictable. It could be warm, chilly, sunny, rainy... Day temperatures could range anywhere between 58 and 80 at that time of year and it might rain every 2 or 3 days on average (could rain non-stop a full week or not at all and feel like summer). Dress in layers and bring some light rain gear.

  2. Gennevilliers is a northern suburb of Paris. It is not a neighborhood in Paris. The Metro does not run there.

    If you have booked a hotel there and are going to Paris for a vacation you should reconsider your choice of hotel.

  3. Just grab a brochure from your hotel. Most of them have a map highlighting the major attractions and the neareast metro stations.

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