
Can u guys give and example of a metaphor that describe the ur figure?

by  |  earlier

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Can u guys give and example of a metaphor that describe the ur figure?




  1. A simile is when you use 'like' or 'as' to describe something - a metaphor is a more direct comparison.

    So, as a simile, I could say that I am 'like' a book in that I am covered in dust because I have been left too long on the shelf.

    As a metaphor, I could say that I 'am' an undiscovered tome, solidly bound, gilt-edged, and timeless.

  2. No, I don't think so.

  3. A metaphor is putting a person or a thing with something else with the use of as or like. Here's something you could use the idea of.  Love is like a beautiful nature. Or The river flows fast as a cheetah runs. Or The music is like a gentle windy day. Or A computer as a big human's brain.  Well, that's all I can give you as an example. I hope you understand them. Always remember that you always use as/like to compare something with. You cannot use both as the same time otherwise it's not a metaphor. I hope it explains enough for you to understand.

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