
Can u guys (who speak fluent Italian-not online translator) correct this for me (3 sentences)?

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La mia migliore cosa che mi e' successo quest'estate era aveva un fuoco e quando ho guidato lo quattro ruote molto. Comunque, la peggiore cosa che mi e' successo quest'estate era quando una tamia (Is this ground-hog?) rabiosso mi ha attacato...

This was just off from the top of my head so I'm sure there are mistakes...Thanks!!!




  1. Sorry, but it's quite senseless on the first half... What you wrote is something like:

    "The best thing happened to me this summer was it had a fire and when I drove the four wheel much. Anyway, the worst thing that happened to me this summer it was when an angry (or rabid...) squirrel (Tamias striatus) attacked me.

    Edit: I'm not really sure what you mean on first sentence... can you write it down in English...?

    "The best thing that happened to me this summer was having bon fires (I know I made fire singular...fuoco) and when I drove the four-wheeler. However, the worst thing that happened to me this summer was when a rabid squirrel attacked me."

    "Le cose migliori che mi siano [subjunctive; most, too many, Italians would use present tense, but formally it's wrong] capitate quest'estate: [I suggest ":", otherwise you should say "sono state" near to "estate" and sounds really bad] accendere un falò [bonfire; "fuoco" is also correct, anyway] e guidare la 4x4 [it's wrote in this form, with the numbers]. Ma ["however" is better translated as "ma", that usually is the translation of "but"; or you can use the idiomatic expression "D'altro canto", which is similar to "on the other hand", "opposite to that") la cosa peggiore che mi sia capitata, è stato quando uno scoiattolo idrofobo mi ha assalito"

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