
Can u help i nedd volleyball cheers?

by  |  earlier

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ok we dont have eny and tommorow is our reginal game and we need cheers!!!!!!




  1. there are a ton of open and closed questions almost identical to yours that you could get cheers from, i think it is pointless to ask the same question that 7 other ppl have.

  2. Our team is boom dynamite our team is boom dynamite our team is tick, tick, tick tick,tick, tick BOOM dynamite

    Their team is what? Down the drain their team is what? down the drain theire team is glug glug glug glug glug glug SPLASH down the drain

  3. Well, my volleyball team has plenty of cheers, mainly when we win a point.

    Ace Serve:  The team runs to the middle, clicks their heels, slaps the ground and yells "Ace!"

    Hitting off a block:  "What time is it!?"  "Tool Time!"

    Good Spike:  "Click, Click!" "Boom!"

    Good Block:  "Roof!"

    These really help out with a team's morale, and really discourage the other team.  Have a great day!

  4. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

    Volleyballs fly up to heaven

    When htey come down they repeat

    *team name* *team name* can't be beat!

    S, I, S-I-D, S-I-D-E-O-U-T

    Sideout *clap* *clap*

    *team name*



  5. *stomp *clap *stomp *stomp *clap


  6. Bump, set, spike it! That's the way we like it!!

    Bump, set, spike it! That's the way we like it!!

    Our team is number one,

    And this game is already won,

    We turn around and spike it to the ground!

    Bump, set, spike it! That's the way we like it!!

    Bump, set, spike it! That's the way we like it!!


  7. V-O-L-L-E-Y-B-A-L-L what does that spell?  VOLLEYBALL

  8. A-C-E- WAAAAT?? ACE!!!

    AHHHH kill that!

    ready one two (clap twice)

    (jump in the middle) ahhhh ACE (clap 5 times)

  9. -T-R-U-C-K keep on trucking all the way!

    -for a kill have the person who did it stand in the middle doing poses while the rest of the team is pretending to take pictures of her

    -potatoe chip, potatoe chip, crunch crunch crunch, we enjoyed playing you a bunch bunch bunch

    -let's get that ball up, let's get that ball up, let get tha B, A, double L, ball up

    - stomp clap ACE

    - K, I, L, L ump ump kill!

  10. everyone get in a circle and someone go in the middle and start walking around. they pick someone and dance in front of them. then those two switch and the person they danced in front of is now in the middle. they have to do what the first person did. start over till the whole team has gone.

    little sally walker walkin down the street

    she didnt know what to do so she stepped in front of me.

    she said hey girl do yo thang do yo thang switch.

    hey girl do yo thang do yo thang switch.


    S-i, S-i-d, S-i-d, o-u-t sideout,clap clap (team name) sideout, clap clap(team name)

    DO IT, DO It, do it, dont stop dont stop dont stop

    do it, do it, do it, dont stop dont stop dont stop.

    Now FREEZE! and let the outsides do it.

    Outsides go in the middle of circle and dance.


    Now Freeze! and let the middles do it!


    Now Freeze! and let the right sides do it!


    Now freeze! and let the setters do it!

  11. ok lets spike it (clap three times)

    ok lets hit it (clap three times)

    were gonna show you all that were not small

    and were the ones that'll beat them all

    ok, whoo, ok,whoo

    cuz when it comes to vollyball (clap twice then pause)

    were the bell of the ball

    go (name of team)

  12. A-C-E-I-T, ace it for me baby, ace it -clapclap clap clap- ace it -clapclap clap clap-

    We want another one, just like the other one, ace, that, ball, go (name here)!

    Once there was a frog, who sat upon a log,

    He cheered for the other team and had no sense at all.

    He fell into a puddle, just about to drown

    But when he heard the (team name)

    He just could not go down

    He said

    Go, go go, go mighty (team name)

    Fight, fight fight, fight mighty (team name)

    Win, win win, win mighty (team name)

    Go, fight, win, and beat 'em till the end!

    K, I, double L, that's the way she made a kill!


    She made a kill.


    She made a kill.


    On you, on you on you on you.

    S, i, S-I-D, S-I-D-E-O-U-T,








    S, S-I, S-I-D-E-O-U-T

    SIDE OUT, WHAT, WHAT, SIDE OUT -clap clap clap-

    R-I, G-H-T, B-A-C-K, right back.

    R-I, G-H-T, B-A-C-K, right back.


  14. Our team is BOOM dynamite!

    Our team is BOOM dynamite!

    Our team is tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic BOOM dynamite!

    Your team is WHAT dynamite!

    Your team is WHAT dynamite!

    Your team is tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic PSYCH yeah right!

    this cheer can work for almost every sport and it is really fun!

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