
Can u help me find a drama script?

by  |  earlier

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father- politician

mother - always goes out with friends


friend's of child

friends of father and mother


the story should go like this, the child will take drugs, enter in anything bad because he lacks attention of his parents..




  1. I think i can give u some ideas : the parents well be a Capella that is in love so in time thy started to have some money problem so they decided that booth of them should have a full time job in the bugging they try hard to keep their aye on the child but in time they started to tack Les and Les intention to the child in time he start to get far from his parents and claws on his self and he started to have so problems like he gets mad very fast and that kind of stuff. one day he goes to his school and he meet a COOL g*y and they started to get close and became Friends so this g*y start to drag him to the wrong way so the child in the bugging try to resist but in time he start to lose started to smoke then he start to say some bad word then he trays some merowana and he likes it because it get him away from his wold that is Field with problem to a world that is problem free and he started wanting a stronger thing and stronger and stronger until he gets fond dead in his room with an over dose .

    I hope i have helped with what ever u are doing.

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