
Can u help me in writing an artical on conservation of energy?

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Can u help me in writing an artical on conservation of energy?




  1. Global warming is right from the pit of h** is a lie and should not be believed......

    our LORD has already warned us that when we see the earth going through major changes we are to understand these are birth pangs,,,read matt 24--luke 21--mk 13-

    Global warming is just another way the devil can decive people into beliving somthing else....."dont fall for it".!!!!!!

    this is most likly speaking of the powerful rich greedy men that dont care about nothing but making money.....

    ...ive read articles about a pole shift and how the earth is shifting off its axasess right now and that the north and south pole will reverse..

    thats why when whales beach themselfs its because the compass in there brain is off because the north and south are off so instead of going there usuall route they go off course...

    true or not i dont know ...

    however another thing i find interesting is the scientist say the pole shift is gonna cause majore catastroffic events...basicly the earth will flip upside down....

    well if this is true the LORD said he woul already do it read all of isaiah ch-24

  2. Here's a perfect topic.  The "World's Cleanest Car" that runs on compressed air.  

    " After fourteen years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. Its application to Compressed Air Technology(CAT) vehicles gives them significant economical and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy (compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced pollution outside urban areas.

       The application of the MDI engine in other areas, outside the automotive sector, opens a multitude of possibilities in nautical fields, co-generation, auxiliary engines, electric generators groups, etc. Compressed air is a new viable form of power that allows the accumulation and transport of energy. MDI is very close to initiating the production of a series of engines and vehicles. The company is financed by the sale of manufacturing licenses and patents all over the world."

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