
Can u help me pass? i cant figure out my driving test?

by  |  earlier

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This Quiz is designed to help you review the chapter that you just read.

You must answer all the questions, and you must get 80% of them correct to be able to continue to the next chapter.

Please note that one of the questions is a security insert

The security insert must be answered correctly and does not count towards the 80%

1: The author mentioned that: When ________, that means _________.

Tortellini floats to the top of the cooking pot / done

A bell tolls / it's ringing

A buzzer rings / school's out

The fat lady sings / the opera's over

You see flashing lights in your mirrors / you're busted

2: You must stop at a timed entrance light _____________________.

any time that it is in operation

at the stop line

until the light turns green for you

and wait your turn in line

all of the above

3: Double merge lanes often merge down into one lane before entering the freeway.



4: If you miss your chosen exit___________________________.

pull over and back up to it

if you can drive over the median strip and go back to the exit, do it

if you are close enough to the exit, stop until the traffic clears, then cross lanes to the exit

proceed to the next exit

proceed to the next interchange

5: When you re-enter the freeway from a shoulder, ________________.

do not move until the highway is clear

pull immediately into the right lane from a stop, flashing your lights

you may enter any free lane

accelerate on the shoulder before you merge.

honk continuously

6: It is NOT illegal to drive so slowly on the freeway that you impede traffic flow.






  1. 1 is the security insert and I don't know the author of the book so I can't help you out there.

    2 is all of the above

    3 is true

    4 is proceed to the next interchange where you can turn back onto the highway at a designated turning lane.

    5 is do not move until the highway is clear

    6 is false

  2. If you need help answering driving questions, do you think you are ready to be driving?

  3. Doesn't it say "chapter that you just read?" Why don't you try reading it and learning something before you attempt to get a driver's license?

    Young, inexperienced drivers have a much higher accident rate and pay a lot more for insurance. You just provided a good example of one of the reasons for it.

  4. You seriously needed help with THOSE?!?!  I'll admit #1 is a stupid question, but the rest should be obvious.  Just remember this rule:  YOUR PRIORITY IS SAFETY.  The "right" answer is whatever answer is safest.  Here's some more advice; take driver's ed.

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