
Can u interpret my dream? scared the c**p out of me? do dreams REALLY mean nething??

by  |  earlier

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i had a dream last night that i heard my brother crazily screaming for my mom! he was in the bathroom taking a shower. i had to break the door open and i found that he was being electrocuted by a remote control that he for some reason had in the shower with him. i had to pull the remote control out of his hand to stop it and his arm was all shriveled. and then my mom came and i think at that point i woke up....

so i was on and it states that electrocution signifies death:

"To dream of an electrocution, signifies that the current course of your actions will lead to disaster, even death. You need to be more aware of your surroundings and those around you."

that really creeped me out. do our dreams REALLY mean anything? is that really what it could have meant?? i'm supposed to be traveling soon so this kinda freaked me out!




  1. Hello hun...

    I hope that as a professional dream interpreter I can help ease your worry a bit.

    First of all yes this dream was scary for you but there is a deeper meaning here ok.

    Yes generally electrocution does mean death and proceed with caution etc... HOWEVER, you are not looking at the whole picture here.

    Frist off dreaming of your brother  in this dire state in my intuition means that you worry way to much about him. You worry about death, etc...

    He's in the bath/shower, he's trying to cleanse himself of old habits, he's cleansing the outer and inner self washing away bad times. FORGIVENESS (could there be an aspect of his life where he needs to forgive someoen?)

    anyway the electrocution does mean death but not physical. He's killing off all those habits and problems as he cleanses it's litterally shocking out of him.

    YOU run in to save him beause he's calling for's represent nurturing, he feels he needs to be nurtured as he cleanses because it hurts sometimes when you have to cleanse spiritually. Thing is YOU cannot be the one to nurture, he doesn't really need that he needs to do it himself.

    The arm signifies his need to nurture soemthing or someone, he's been feeling restricted lately (or period) in not being able to do certian thigns, he needs to realise his potential in life that he is able to do exactly what he sets his mind to do. the shrivling arm signifies that he's not able to allow himself to realise this, in that he will need your help.

    The locked door that you ahve to break down is a symbol that you are always aprehensive when it comes to him. Because of his illness perhaps you are constantly worried (you need to stop)

    His being on the other side of the door means he will have many lessons to learn (not bad, just leassons)

    my dear this is not a dream ment for you but for your brother, sometimes we get dreams that are ment for others so that we can share to make the understanding of it easier. Also because you adn your bro are connected spiritually (not sure if you kenw that) you will tend to even subconsiously step infront of him to protect him. the dream was ment for your brother but being so protective you jumped infront and caught it instead.

    So share with him.

    I hope that helps, please remember when interpreting dremas it's ok to use guides like the dreammoods however, dream interpreting isn't just surface like that it's a combination of surface (what you obviously see)

    and intuiton that can not be read through the internet.

    feel free to email me anytime if you need further assistance.

  2. these guys tell ya all sorts of things just to sound important.  They dont know what things mean to you, only you do.  Maybe you love your brother and always want to protect him is all so you make up stories about saving him. that quote you had made me lol.  Brains are pretty wacky things and think up all kinds of stuff.

  3. First off stop believing everything you read, for dream interpretation, it is different for everyone, my dreaming of a dog wont be the same interpretation as you dreaming of a dog.  

    When you do dream about other people, it just another aspect of you.

    If your going to go looking at sights like dreammoods, etc, I suggest you read more about dream interpretation and understand it better before you come up with your own assumptions.

  4. First of all, website explanation only serves as reference, they don't give you straight meaning of what your dream is.  

    Electrocuted = death, shocked, surprised, taking off control

    Taking a shower = personal stuff, privacy

    remote control = want to take control over.

    When interpreting a dream, you cannot look just look at one side of it or very often you will be misguided.

    Your brother may have some privacy issue. Projecting taking a shower with a remote control symbolizes some sort of control he want to take over in terms of privacy. He may want to have more control or more freedom.  He may not want to be looked over all the time.  The electrocution part suggests that he is being taken over.  The projecting of you helping him on pulling the remote control symbolizes concern, care.   This again points to his privacy level.

    Since you are owner of the dream.  This is how you feel about him, how you feel about his privacy.  Perhaps, you don't feel secure or safe when he is alone doing stuff. That reflects the insecurity of you, not him.

    In other words, you may be feeling helpless in terms of things he can't control from. Projecting him in shower being electrocuted basically suggests that you are feeling lack of control and you also have some sort of anxiety about things you can't control.  That is why you vent out this dream.

    Don't look at website as your full dream dictionary.  They are just reference.  They can't understand your background, your story.  One or two words cannot mean anything in their sites.

  5. No, dreams don't mean anything.  They are your brain's way of putting recent events into order.  Sometimes they are very random, but most of the time they relate to something you've recently experienced.  I had a dream the other day where I was at a funeral in an airport; in real life, we had just walked through an airport to get to a shuttle, and a friend had passed away.  Perhaps your concerns for your brother manifested themselves into a concern for him in your dream.  Were you using a remote control recently or watching something on TV or in a movie where someone was electrocuted or burned?

    Don't worry about it, hon.  If dreams were real, I think most of us would be dead because most people have dreamed that they have died before.

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