
Can u list 10 netiquette rules ???

by  |  earlier

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any 1 ??? its for school and im having lots of truble





  1. Arrive on time to a meeting, dinner, lunch even 5 mins early

    Use a napkin on your lap, dont spill anything

    Use the cutlery not your fingers

    Dont play with your food and dont drink too much alcohol

    Both knife and fork have to be placed in the same direction on the plate not crossed over

    Shake hands with all company regardless of who they are

    Wait to be invited to sit and ask where is appropriate

    Remember your manners always please and thank you

    Never interrupt when an older person is speaking and telling a story or a joke that is the height of bad manners

    Always thank the hostess and host for having you over and shake hands with everyone before you leave and say something like great evening, most appreciated for inviting me

  2. 1)Dont type in all caps

    2)Dont spam anywhere - email, message boards, Y!A, anywhere

    3)Respond politely and promply to messages which require a response

    4) Don't say or post anything you wouldn't say in real life - the net is not an excuse to be mean or rude

    5)Respect others

    6)In public areas, keep your language clean.  Remember there may be children reading it.

    There's 6, that's all I can think of right now.  Hope that helps.

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