
Can u list all the ways of how we get energy in our homes?

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can u list all the ways of how we get energy in our homes? which WAYS of getting energy in our homes causes global warming?

and can u please give as much information as u can? (if possible) i really need this for my projects... thank you ^^




  1. Electricity -

    The primary source of electricity is from coal fired plants which put many greenhoue gases into the environment - carbon dioxide, methane, mercury, dioxin, and other harmful chemicals.  

    The secondary source of electricity is nuclear.  Though there aren't any toxic emissions there are waste products which are toxic to the earth and can't be gotten rid of or metabolized.  

    Solar - after the panels are produced which includes expending some electricity, then the electricity is free and non-toxic for many many years.  

    Wind - the production of wind generation modules also requires expension of energy to produce - but after that the electricity is clean and non-toxic forever.  

    I think Wind is the best.....

    Good luck!

  2. dear shan -the various forms of energy we receive at home are

    a) solar energy-which is free and abundant

    b)electrical energy-which is used for lighting, heating, refrigeration( motive power for compressors).

    c) gas supply-cylinders or pipeline-for cooking , heating water etc

    d) fossil energy-petrol/ diesel for running cars, generators etc

    all the above except (a) gets depleted when used and thus affects the environment, directly or indirectly.

    you should search in for articles on the subject

    best of luck

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