
Can u loose mucus plug at 20 weeks.and if u do what will happen.?

by Guest63931  |  earlier

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Can u loose mucus plug at 20 weeks.and if u do what will happen.?




  1. It doesnt happen often, but it does happen sometimes. However, it's usually not the whole plug. And it will build itself back up until you are good and ready to give birth. Unless you see like blood or pink discharge though, you are fine. A lot of clear or white discharge is normal.  

  2. it is possible, just keep an eye on yourself, make sure you know if there is a light pink show, or any contaractions, it usually rejuvinates itself if this happens, just keep an eye on yourself, put your feet up for a bit x*x

  3. it is possible to lose part of mucus plug at 20 weeks but the mucus plug will keep regenerating until you are ready to deliver and then you will lose all of it. Good Luck

  4. When you start losing your mucous plug, it means your cervix is starting to dilate, it can not get out with out dilation. If you are 20 weeks and think that you lost part of your plug, you need to go to the doctor to get your cervix checked ASAP!!!!  

    You could have an incompetent cervix... that is where the cervix is not strong enough to hold the weight of a growing baby and dilates very prematurely (and usually begins around 20 weeks) and you will go into preterm labor and at 20 weeks there is less than 1% survival rate. If you catch it early enough, there may be a chance that they can put a cerclage in (a stitch to hold your cervix closed) and with bedrest you can continue on with the pregnancy. Please GO to the doctor NOW even if you are not sure.  

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