
Can u make money through google adwords when linking as an affliate of say clickbank / cj?

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  1. I made a "Classified to Riches" guide that explains a new hidden way of making money on eBay. This way of making money was announced secretly not to long ago with very few people knowing.

    Anyways, I want to give everyone a opurtunity to make money selling the guide. Through a website that is free to sign up if you sell my Guide to ANYONE you will receive 60% commissions which is $29.99 a sale!! just imagine selling a few a day, not bad for a side,part time job.

    If anyone is interested in promoting a product that basically sells its self go to:

    to check out my sales page go to:

  2. Yes!

  3. Yes this is well described in google cash book but you have to be really smart about adwords to turn a profit. Most people make a loss doing this

    You can get some free reading resources at

    You wil be looking for the book called adwords made easy on that page

  4. Money is made through Google Adword and people like Marcus from Plentyoffish made over a million in three months by being a google affiliate.  If you have a strong website and believe you can drive sales then CJ, Clickbank and other similar affiliate programs will do well for you.

    But YES you can make money and people do make money.

  5. No! here is a simple calculation: if one click on the PPC ad cost you $0.25 and 1% of all visitors buy the product, you have to spend 25 $ to make one sale ... and this is optimistic scenario. [edit: the product has to cost $50 and to offer 50% commission but most products do not] my advice for you would be try it if you wish but do not expect too much. by default affiliate programs are made to make more money for the affiliator (the one who offers their product for sale) rather than the afilatee (the one who retails the product)

  6. Yes, people make a lot of money doing this. It does take a lot of research and money.

    People making $100:

    Spend: $500 on Adwords

    Make: $600

    Profit: $100

  7. It takes a lot of commitment and does not guarantee that you will make money. The only way to do affiliate marketing is to sell the user before they click to the affiliate to buy. This is done perfectly by shopping search engines like The average webmaster should not depend on making money from affiliate marketing with the exception of the new eBay Partner Network. Everyone buys on eBay.

  8. is a great way to make extra money. The site will ask you to complete surveys and offers and those companies will then pay you. Unlike most work at home jobs this is one is really legit and actually sends real checks to you at the end of the month. I have already made over $2500+ from this website and keep it mind that everything is free.I will love to answer any questions that you might have regarding this just contact me:


    My email is

    My AIM ShellCashFrancis

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