
Can u marry someone with the same last name ?

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hi my boyfriend is from shankar , punjab and im from united kingdom but my family is from the same village me n my boyfriend want to get married but we have the same name "can we get married ?




  1. I know nothing about your cultures and even less about marriage (being a teen and all) but I would think it would be fine to marry him. Just 'cause you both have the same last name isn't any reason to not marry him is it? In the US, there are TONS of people with the last name Smith but that doesn't mean they're related. Unless you believe in the whole "adam and Eve, we're ALL related" thing.

  2. WHY NOT ?

  3. there's nothing wrong with having the same last name

    but as both your families are from the same village, I think you ought to check whether you are related and, if you are, how close the relationship is ... it's a well known fact that if people marry close relatives (e.g. first cousins) the chances of passing genetic defects onto your children is very much increased, so for your own and your children's sake it's not at all wise

  4. Yeah you can i can't see why not :D

  5. yes u can

  6. Yes. my grandmother was a Taylor who married a Taylor.  They were not related or from the same area and did not share the same blood.  It's a different story when you are related to each other.

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