
Can u please give me some punishments to give my 13 yd old daughter?

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she has audited she is very disrespectful to others she is increasing and increasing more and more and i cant stop I'm an single mom i have her and an other daughter that is 7 and a half but my 7 year is not bad but my 13 yd old is really bad.




  1. sounds like a good hard spanking is what she needs!

  2. I do not have any daughter nor my sons are that age but I am putting myself in your daughter's scenario as I was there before, and I was notorious.  My mum was really really disappointed with me.

    Probably your daughter wants more of your attention. So I guess the best thing to do for now is have a good woman to woman talk (she's not a kid any longer, she's a big girl), don't get angry with her... tell her how you felt of her attitude, behaviour, etc... Ask her back how would she feels when someone she loves so much makes her upset, dissapointed, etc, etc.  This would make her THINK of what she did and how others feels towards her.  It made me think... think and think a lot, and I thanked my mum of doing that to me. So, bring her out... just you and her to have that long and quality conversation.  This way, it would drive her closer to you and rebuilts the bond between you and her.  She might not think twice of sharing anything with you later. Treat her as your friend.

    Good luck!

  3. I don't understand, unless you give better details or tell us what she really did, we can't give you a fair punishment.

  4. all privileges taken away! make her stay in her room and have her ask you to do anything such as shower, eat, go to the restroom ect, my step dad did this to my sister and I... give her extra chores to do. good luck, teens can be hard work! :)

  5. I assume you being a single mom you cannot be around all the time to control her comings and goings, so grounding or banning her from TV, phone and such do not apply. You can try to make her do extra chores in your home, or you can take away her computer for a while (if she has one). And at 13, she may not be too old for a good old-fashioned spanking. Whatever you try to do, it is important that you explain to your daughter what she is being punished for, and that you are serious about her changing her ways.

    13 in a girl is the most difficult age. Things will be better. Best of luck!  

  6. Just ground her. so she wont hate you.. no tv no hanging out until she has learned her leasons

  7. Take her cell, don't allow her to use the home phone, do not let her over at mates houses, or mates not allowed to go to your house. Tell her why your doing it, and if you feel she improves, you will slowly give what you took, back to her

  8. take away the cell phone and computer for 3 weeks. ground her to her room for those same 3 weeks. taking away her social life and being able to halt her communication with friends is the best punishment to modify her behavior.

  9. Maybe you should talk to her ....maybe she is acting out because she is upset about something ...But really she is 13 all 13 year olds act out a little...comparing her to your youngest child is not helpful ,it would just make her feel hurt and rejected and so make her behavior worse ...She is old enough for you to sit her down and talk to her about the house rules .if she feels more involved she may be more willing to co-operate...let her know exactly what you expect from her fair and reasonable ,tell her what the punishment will be ,like take away her privileges ,like phone or computer use ...and then stick to what you have said ,don't back down ...but remember negotiation and fairness is important at this age ,you can not treat her the same as when she was younger .save the fights for things that matter ,we can get in the habit of yelling about every little thing and the kids get angry it for the big things ,like respect and safety issues....

  10. maybe her friends or some one she looks up to is encouraging her to have such disgusting behavior she such all her fun things taken away until she changes and not in one day over time

  11. I'd calmly tell her that she needs to speak more politely to people, and repeat this each time she does it. If she complains that the person is a jerk or whatever, you can agree if you think so too, but point out that she's still obligated to be polite, even to jerks. You can tweak her nose and tell her that you have no objections to her thinking rude things at the person, you just don't want her to say any of them.

    If she's speaking rudely to you, tell her that you can't listen to her properly when she's being rude, and to please come back later when she's feeling more calm. If she tries to persist, repeat yourself, again calmly, as many times as it takes for her to go away. When she comes back later, don't try and throw it in her face by saying "Well? Are you ready to be polite yet?" That's just humiliating and doesn't help your cause. Just turn to her with a smile as if you are about to have a conversation with a polite person. Then it's a case of rinse and repeat as often as needs be. Sometimes the expectation that someone is going to be polite is all that is required to make them be polite. Otherwise they are going to be permanently angry and defensive, expecting to you to be the same.

  12. Have you asked her whats wrong?

    Remember your  teenage years, they  weren't easy.

    Did you get along with your Mom all the time.  I didn't. I hated her. NO real reason except she didn't say what I wanted to hear. When I had my son, as a single Mom I realized months after that WOW takes alot to raise a kid. A few years later I apologized to my parents for being such a rebel and all around pain in the butt.

    Get the youngest one out to a sleep over some where  and have an intervention with just you and the 13 yr old. And no one leaves the room till its all said and done.

    Your still the Mom and the boss of the house.

    Ask her what she deserves to have taken away.

    Last resort, threaten her with the 'Wilderness Camp'.''

  13. every privilege gone no friend no tv no cell phone etc  

  14. She is not too old for a spanking.

  15. ground her no: tv, friends, no going outside, cell phone, computer, until she learns to change she has to come home do her homework and then read a book and thats it

  16. take her cellphone away?

  17. I think what her problem is, is not that she needs to be punished but that she's acting out due to lack of alone time with you.  In my experience, a lot of kids do that to get some type of attention even if it's negative.

    Teach her that it's not okay by taking away privilages such as going out with her friends, cell phone if she has it or just phone privilages, for a set amount of time, say a week.  But make sure that you're setting aside enough time where it can be just you and her, movies, shopping, dinner, whatever, and be sure that you're displaying proper respectful behavior of others.  Talk about the importance of respect for other people and their property.  But most of all just lead by example.

    Good luck!

  18. Tell her if she keeps the bad behavior you'll send her to her father. That's what she deserves for being disrespectful. She will be a bad influence to your little one.

  19. Go to school with her.  Worst punishment EVER!!! -I'm NOT kidding.  My nephew decided he didn't have to do his school work or mind his mother so I (his aunt) his mother and his Grandmother took turns going to school with him till the problem resolved.

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