
Can u please help me with my questing thankss!?

by  |  earlier

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imagine u have 7 billion people (7x10^9 people which is approximatley the human population of the world) and they are given the task of dropping $1 bills once every secound into a large hold. how long will it take 7x10^9 people to drop 1 mole of dollor bills into the hole? how old will u be when they complete the task?




  1. thats to much math for me

  2. I was with you all the way up to '7 billion people'

  3. There are 31.556,926 seconds in a year, so doing a billion things at one per second takes about thirty years.  So your dollar bill task would take about 200 years.  Note that the US government spends a billion dollars every three hours.

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