
Can u rate my dark control deck?

by  |  earlier

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im tryin to make a dark control deck and was wonderin if this is tourny worth


-giant orc

-dark elf

-patrician of darkness

-fire sorcerer

-zombyra the dark

-big eye

-dark scorpion - meanae the thron

-dark scorpion - chich the yellow

-dark blade

-sillva, warlord of dark world

-jowls of dark demise

-terrorking archfeind

-desrook archfiend

-vilepawn archfiend x2

-shadowknight arcfiend

-cyber jar

-summoned skull

-hane-hane x2

-mysterious guard




-chaos end

-soul release

-giant trunade

-heavy storm

-mystical space typhoon

-brain control

-black illusion ritual

-premature burial


-bad reaction to simochi

-the eye of truth

-spellbinding circle

-shadow spell

-sakuretsu armor

-draining shield

-non agression area

-deck devastaion virus

-crush card virus

-eradicator epidemic virus

-return from the different dimension

-fake trap


would this deck at least get me to regionals




  1. no, it will get u nowhere torny wise cause cyber jar is banned....

    the deck have too many negatice effect monster without enough cards to effectiviely cancel them, I suggest you to either focus on archfiend or run a deck full of negative effect monster (like giant orc, golblin attack force) with a lot of effect canceler(skill drain is best, ultimate attack order works fine for most, like the 2 I mentioned)  u can easily search with a search engine for lvl 4 or lower with high attacks, u should be able to get 20 of them at 2200 or higher ATK easy enough(all have bad effect, but u r gonna cancel them)  it's a fast deck, and dangrous... but I happen to love the face ur opponent have when summon a bunch of volitile monsters like that... they think u suiciding....

  2. Some of your cards are banned so they won't allow it. Also, there is some cards in there that are really useless so take them out for a more powerful version. I saw that you had a totally mixed deck of archfiends and everything, try and get some of the new cards like dark grepher it will be more helpful.

  3. some cards are banned but if your dueling for fun it will be a 9/10

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