
Can u rate my team for pokemon D\P again o.o?

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Infernape-Jolly nature

Sword Dance

Flare Blitz

Close Combat


*Purpose-To finish off any pokemon

Salamence-Modest nature

Draco Meteor


Dragon Pulse

Hydro Pump

*Purpose-To Take out any type of pokemon

Metagross-Lonely nature

Meteor Mash

Bullet Punch



*Purpose To take out any pokemon and take hits from harmfull moves for other pokemon by switching also to use explosion if low HP and their pokemon has high HP

Swampert-Modest Nature



Stealth rock


*Purpose-To kill any Ground or rock pokemon in the way.

Froslass-Naive nature

Ice Beam

Shadow Ball



*Purpose-To be a fast pokemon


Body Slam



Self Destruct

Rate and tell me if my team needs improvement =D




  1. 9/10 great team

    Infernape- get rid of earthquake replace with stone edge, maybe shadow claw ( don't recomend it)

    Salamence- text book move set and nature, could replace hydro pump(or draco meteror cause it lowers sp. attack) with ice beam, better coverage

    Metagross- you could get rid of bullet punch add pyschic and then have it use a choice scarf(boost speed)

    Swampert- fine the way it is, but an impish nature might help it defensively and an adamant nature would help it offensively

    Froslass- Get rid of spikes, if you want a good spike pokemon use skarmory,  anyway you could try hail and blizzard(If you could loose ice beam), hail gives you extra evasion then make blizzard hit 100% of the time

    Snorlax- perfect, could always use the rest-talk combo, with a chesto berry if you want

  2. hey descent team! i'll gve it 8 over 10...infernape..i dont think he needs eq...he needs stone edge.Stone edge protects him from flying types.And swords dance is ok...but u can put grass knot instead so it can have back up on water types.Salamence doesnt need 2 dragon type replace 1 of em either wit a flying attack, earthquake, or crunch.For metagross ...he is ok .Nice moveset for metagross but i preffer putting another grass knot instead.u dont have any grass type pokes thts y.its yur choice.Swampert i think replace roar wit icce beam or lve it alone.NICE FROSLASS xD.And the snorlax...awesome

  3. - The most common switch-ins on Infernape are Salamence and Gyarados. Because of this, Stone Edge is a much better choice than Earthquake. Flare Blitz and Close Combat take out almost all the types that Earthquake would anyways.  9.5/10

    - Salamence is already great as is. Its good that you have Dragon Pulse just in case you don't want to lose power from Draco Meteor 10/10

    - Metagross is good too. It serves its purpose really well. 10/10

    - Swampert is excellent. The only setback is having the Modest Nature. You should change it to Adamant or change its moves so that they can be special. If you do this, you can replace Waterfall for Surf. Earthquake might be hard to replace though. 5/10

    - Froslass is good too. You might want to replace Psychic for Thunderbolt as it has good type coverage with Ice Beam. 8.5/10

    - Snorlax has good moves that match its type and nature. 10/10

    The overall score would be 8.8/10. Good luck improving your team. Its really good as it is already though.

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