
Can u really learn how to sing? I thought it was something that u already know how to do? ?

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Can u really learn how to sing? I thought it was something that u already know how to do? ?




  1. well anyone can naturally sing but not naturally good.  You would need vocal lessons and other training to be able to develop it if you aren't naturally good.  i know good singers who do training nevertheless so they could hit higher/lower notes.  singing is pretty competitive nowadays as well.  

  2. You can learn techniques to improve your voice. A lot of singing is natural talent, but you can definitely improve your singing voice. Also, a good singer, being one, believes in the lyrics and sings with soul. Hope this helps!  

  3. Learning to sing usually means learning to read music, learning to breathe properly, learning to harmonize, how to sing different styles of music, improving your sense of rhythm, and lots of other things...  Lots of things to learn, so if you want to sing properly and professionally, you should learn a thing or two.

    It's a bit like coaching, like in a sport.  People can improve their singing through lessons quite a bit, but some will have voices that are more naturally adept for the music they're singing.  Like athletes.  Tall people with long torsos tend to make better swimmers, but if they don't learn techniques, they're still lousy.

    So, yes, you can learn how to sing - or at least sing properly.

    Can you learn how to run?  People already know how to run, but lots of top runners have coaches.  The same goes for eating, public speaking, dancing, etc.  - so why not singing?

  4. Some people have a talent for singing and some people do not.

    This does not mean that those without a natural talent cannot learn to sing though as just like any skill you can train yourself if you apply yourself to the task it is just the naturally talented people learn quicker and find it easier.

    Most people think they cannot sing because they fear the embarressment of s******g up in front of people and do not practice enough to overcome these fears.

    If you want to learn to sing but need the confidence you are best off practicing on your own without an audience. Theer are some good downloadable singign courses that can help you do this.

    Here is a review site for them:

  5. A person is born with voice quality and some degree of pitch, but vocal training is learned. Few people can learn by doing not much more than listening, but for most people, and ANYONE who expects to be good enough to earn a living as a singer, they must have vocal training. The better the coach, the more likely a person is to better develop their talents.

  6. well, you have to at least some raw talent, but try voice lessons. a professional instructor can help your pitch.

  7. it depends.

    in some cases you can teach yourself

    but usually your born with a voice that can sing

  8. well you can learn how do manage your voice so it doesn't sound bad or crack and you can learn how to breath to hold notes longer

    you cant be taught how to have a good voice

  9. Yes.  You need to be trained, (not by some dumb school choir master) - otherwise you can damage your vocal chords by not using the right technique.  You will never get a good singing voice without proper training, as you can tell by listening to no hopers on the X factor.  

  10. Even if singing comes naturally a lot of singers must go to classes to train their voice because if you don't you wont know how high or low to sing each note in the song.  even when singers learn how to use their voice some still lose it from over working it by singing too much.

                             J J

  11. Yes u can take vocal classes which to teach u how to sing. i mean everyone can move their voice up and down to different pitches in a melody but u can actually learn to sing in classes or improve ur singing

    if you take a vocal class you will learn how to use your diaphram for singing and u will also learn how to use pitches and and transfer ur voice into keys better. its not as simple as it looks but you will definitley be better after u learn more

  12. There are pretty much 3 levels:

    1. Talent - these people can sing SO well, it actually looks like they don't ever need any training and the most uptight judges or experts will love their voices. They still get TONNES of training as singing is a skill as well. They'll mostly get training in techniques. Also, this kind of talent is evident in opera and jazz singers.

    2. Sining in key/having hearing for key, basically these people can sing pretty well, they'll get all or most of the notes right and everything, but to be able to be GOOD or really good - they'll have to get a LOT of training in singing and techniques.

    3. These people are tone-deaf. Basically you can't teach them to sing, well, maybe some metal, maybe some rap, etc., but obviously nothing like jazz or opera. Maybe, MAYBE pop - with a computer there to edit their voice and tonale.

  13. u can train ur voice... just takes practice like everything else.. good luck if ur going to singg ;)..  

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