
Can u receive food stamps w/o working?

by  |  earlier

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i wanted to know how can i receive food staps w/o working and what info would i need to bring with me




  1. How about getting a job?  It's so easy and rewarding

  2. yes you can you will need your drivers license, ss card, last 3 paycheck stubs Bank statements and might need your birth certificate. You will need to go into Family Independent Agency and fill out a form and a social worker will go over the form with you and will probably give you a food card right away.Remember there are also food banks that you can go to also.

  3. In most states you can only for the first year of your child's life if you have no children or they are over 1 year you have to work.  Don't be a leach on society.  Get a job.

  4. You have to work for it before you can receive..

  5. In Florida, you need to apply at like 2 jobs every week, or something...  Tis the Right to Work State.  I imagine that you'll need a couple forms of identification and proof of residence, like a bill, or something.  You might also need to bring in pay stubs, if you do work.

  6. You suck! Look Mz.Fresh or whoever you are, go ask the welfare agency. go hawk your computer and buy your own food. I bust my *** every day and i get No help, while trying to raise my two kids on my own. maybe you didnt mean to word your question like that. maybe you Cant work but i think you should go ask the welfare department instead of soliciting info from us so that you could maybe scam the system.

  7. It depends on how much you will earn,you will have to bring in all your pay stubs.

  8. Yes, you can receive food stamps without working. You need you ID or Driver's License, proof of address, and Social Security Card.

  9. hmmm no

  10. if u have any children ,first they are gonna want you to take the father to child support even if he is living in the same home.and you have to be 23.that is in have to have ssn for all you are applying for,lease or get the person you reside with to fill out your rent form.and show proof of all your bills and /or daycare.i think that's pretty much it

                   good luck

  11. i doubt it

    but i would bring my ID and such.

  12. Call food stamps for eligibility requirements:  1-800-221-5689

    You can receive Food Stamps without working if you receive SSI (are disabled).  Depending on your state you need to be in a work program or work training program or actively be looking for work & be able to verify it.

    You probably need 1-2 photo IDs: passport; Driver's license; school ID;job ID;

    Proof of residence: utility bills with your address on it;  rent receipt; letter from person you rent a room from to verify you live there & rent you pay;

    Probably need your SS#; Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate.

    Good luck with your life.

  13. how are you on a computer if u are looking for food stamps

    AND you don't have a job

  14. no idea, but you could ask a local doctor or welfare agent.  

  15. you can but unless you have a disability that prevents you from working you will have to work or PROVE you are looking for a job to get them and I mean prove as in providing the name, contact name of who you talked to, addy, phone number, etc on the form they provide.  In this state, you must work at least 20 hours a week. Trust me, at 20 hours a week at min. wage unless your rent is a LOT you would not get but maybe $10 a month and then everytime you earn $1, they cut are better off just working.. It's a pain the behind and using stamps makes you feel like scum and people treat you like scum. One day you may really need them and they won't be available because people who don't need them get them so IF you don't need them, please don't get them.

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