
Can u ride a bike on a motorway in britain?

by  |  earlier

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i was just wondering out of general curiousity, can a bike (pedal powered) be rode in the uk on a motorway (i think im refering to A roads, not yet clued up on the whole differences and stuff XD)

im planning on visiting someone, but they live like, a 2 hour drive away, so seeing as i cant drive, i was gonna bike to her... unless there is another way i can get there (i thought about train, but 1, its expensive, and 2 its another half hour drive from her house XD)

ty in advance to any answers :)




  1. i don't think so..

  2. Motorways ( M roads  ) you cannot ride a bicycle or a moped Can on A and B roads as there are different regulations .

  3. On a motorway (designated with an 'M' number - like M25, M1 etc). - NO you cannot ride a pedal powered bicycle at all.

    On all other road like 'A' & 'B' and unclassified you can ride a pedal powered bicycle.  

    Please observe the Highway code and make sure you wear a helmet.


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