
Can u still be an egg donar if you have had a hysterectomy

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i still have my overies and the dr told me that i would still produce eggs?? would i be able to donate eggs??




  1. It is possible but unlikely . . . it is about more than being able to produce eggs - they need to check that your body responds to fertility meds and that there is good blood flow to the ovaries.

    Are you thinking of donating your eggs to a family member or anonymously?  If you were to donate them anonymously, you probably will not qualify.  Most women who need a donor are looking for someone under 30 (thought to have best egg quality), no family history of illness (not sure why you have had a hysterectomy and if it was for medical reasons), no history of mental illness and things like education, etc . . .

    You would need to consult a donor egg organization / a fertility clinic may be able to refer you.  You would need to fill out loads of paperwork, provide info on your history and go through testing to check the quality of your eggs.

    If you are doing it for a family member, there will still be a lot of testing to check the quality of your eggs.

    Good luck!

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