
Can u still have a little fire in ur garden after a certian time at night gotta load of dead brambles- council

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Can u still have a little fire in ur garden after a certian time at night gotta load of dead brambles- council




  1. There's no law against garden fires.  (Smoke control regulations only apply to chimneys)  You have to balance your enjoyment of your property with your neighbours enjoyment of theirs.

    If you're going to do this regularly, get a garden incinerator.  You can put the stuff to burn in it and wait for a cool damp evening when everyone's indoors with their windows shut.

  2. I don't think there's a law against it - my mum was a Guide leader and we often had her group round to cook on fires in our garden.

    Best I can suggest is check with the council but most importantly tell your neighbours so that they don't have any washing out on the line!

  3. ring ya local council to find out if u are a smoke free zone.

  4. if its only brambles and the likes you are grand. dont get carried away and chuck tyres on it though eh?

  5. good advice phone town hall first, as if u have neighbour who has breathing problems officers can make life difficult for u.

    wait for weather to blow smoke away asap. dont use chemicals to start the fire petrol etc not good for u. popa

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