
Can u stop global warming?

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Can u stop global warming?




  1. No!

    Since our heat comes from the sun and our orbital position, which are completely out of our control, there is nothing which could be done to try to circumvent nature.

    I would like to ask why anyone would wish to try and stop the currently mild conditions that we are currently experiencing?

    Learn some basic science and you will realize quite soon how pathetic this scam really is.

  2. if i could i would.  but money rules the world and power plants are the worst enemies to global warming but brings in money to buy off the government officials.  one probable way to slow down global warming is solar energy.  if solar power was inexpesive to buy this might stop more power plants from being built.  STOP POWER PLANTS.

    Of course this is just my view.

  3. Yes

    we need to elect Al Gore

    Get those evil Republicans out of office and save our planet

  4. i believe we can overcome this problem

    awareness is growing

  5. No, there is very strong proof that it is not caused by humankind.  

    It is the ultimate in delusional pride to think that humans can significantly control nature or the universe.

  6. Global warming is caused by the Sun.  How would you stop the Sun?

  7. Not on my own,

  8. i don't think so. Global Warming cannot be stopped but surely it can be slowed down. We can prevent it from truly destroying our mother earth. Avoid using items containing CFC and the like but better, plant more trees. Well gud luck then!

  9. Not alone, but together we can do great things. I have heard that power of unity is like the joining of two hearts in which it can break mountains. Or as a more common saying goes, "Many hands make light work".

    In any case I do what I can do regardless and try to have faith that my actions will be part of the solution which also entails leading others to follow by example.

  10. Only if we can stop unchecked and ill-advised developments!

  11. no.

  12. yes plant with me

  13. Well you can not use the car because the gas or something ruins the ozone layer.  dont use aerosol sprays.

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