
Can u suggest any cellphone in range of 5000-7000?

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i would prefer a nokia phone!




  1. Sony Erricson ki700

  2. nokia.. u have outdated models.. not too exciting in that price range.. but go for samsung and ericsson.. they give u gr8 phones at tht range. Ex: samsungX100.. initially i was

    and still am a nokia fan.. but i own a samsung set now.. and i feel even samsung is not. bad.. even ericsson features are nice.. so look beyond nokia.. for this range of phones..higher end phones.. u got tough competition.. but this price go for ericsson or samsung for more features..

  3. It depends on what you want from the phone.

    Since you have'nt specified it, I should suggest a general purpose phone - K700i. Which is one of the most cost effective handsets available today. I personally use it and it is awsome with nice set of features.

  4. Nokia is the best

    go thorugh the link you can find more models with new enhancements ,,,94436,00...

  5. Hey

    Nokia phones are really user-friendly and I am a Nokia user as well. But recently Motorola L6/7 have come up pretty strongly in the mentioned segment. Infact I'm switching to RAZR pretty soon.

    Ofcourse its a matter of personal preference but I think a little change always was for good.. Try it.


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