
Can u tell me about ur first night experience? marriage night. what u did? what u spoke first?

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how was ur first night.? what to talk first? next what to next. plz tell me how was ur first night.. because next week is my marriage... i dont no how to handle it...plz tell ur experinece..




  1. i hate to say it and don't listen to me but my first words were... "i want a divorce"... warning never get pushed into something you don't want

  2. ...just because you vow to stay together ...doesn't mean  that all your conversations will change and that life will totally different.'s exactly the same as being engaged and going out, just with a ring on your finger.

    Babe've just got to chill !! Just say the first thing that comes to you ... say how you feel ...

    The first things that are usually said are things like ...

    "i can't believe I'm actually married!"

    "This is the happiest day of my life.."

    "one job down onto the next ...children!"

    "Kiss me or we're getting a divorce .."

    That sort of thing ...some humor if you want ...just to reassure him that your totally happy with your decision ...

    Good luck babe =D

  3. Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself, just relax and enjoy each other's company.  What you talk about will come naturally as will anything else.  And it may not happen the first night, particularly if you are really nervous.  You have your whole lives so just relax and enjoy your time together.

  4. My husband said: "I'm so happy."  I said: "So am I."  We talked for a few minutes about how incredible it felt to be married.  Then, we kinda knew what we needed to do, and we got down to business.

    Be light-hearted and joyous.  Don't be nervous or intense.  It's a great experience!

  5. may i share my real happenings ? of course .. you will laugh.  i am pushed into the room.. that was some in  1957.. see, i am really nervous.  He is very tall, very attractive guy.  That gentleman entered the room with some smile..but i am very shy to see his face.  he initially called me in a low voice ''come here''/...  immediately i opened the door and ran to my parents.. They gave many advices and suggestions..but i never entered the room on that day.  ot course i contimued my boycotting him believe me 30 days..  my parents decided to drop me in my in-law's home.  what..  i have nothing to do there.. and my first night started after one month of my marriage. now also he called loudly, i obeyed.

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