
Can u tell me some unique careers which generally people don't opt for but are very much in denmand and good??

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Can u tell me some unique careers which generally people don't opt for but are very much in denmand and good??




  1. Since I am a journalist, I can tell you of a lot of exciting careers in the media. Look beyond a TV reporter n there is a wide array of jobs...

    1. Media coordinator: This is for any big organisation that needs publcity n it pays awesome.

    2. Documentation Officer: Every NGO needs to profile its work. Believe you me, this is a most sought after job. Most NGOs in India work for under the UN. So u will be directly commissioned by the UN to do research, travel n compile their progress in any field such as health, nutrition, women, chidren etc

    3. Fund-raiser - This again is a very creamy job. There are many international donor organisations in India like CARE, USAID, Handicap int, CENTAD tht look for fund raisers to promote their projects. This is also high travel n high pay.

    4. Documentary maker: Well who wudn't want to live on the wild side. N again believe you me, ppl are willing to pay you to go n shoot the elephants in Kerala.

    5. International editing assignments: This takes the cream. if you know english n are willing to write, you can easily source work from countries like France, Russia whereever, which don't have english as their native language. Best part is tht you can do it part time from home but it will pay more than your day job :P

    Yours truly has experienced a bit of everything above, so u can believe it's really good.

  2. In our newspaper's "Help Wanted" section, there are usually 3 - 4 columns looking for RN's. That, to me says they are in high demand. It also means they don't pay as well as they should, or they would not need so many.

    Anything where you have to use a lot of math is "Good". My nephew is going to graduate as a Civil Engineer next June. He has had three offers already. He isn't going to have to hunt for a job when he graduates; he is going to have to pick from the offers he has. He told me the starting salary, right out of college, is about US $60,000 a year.

    Funeral directors do very well, especially if they own their own shop. The work is too creepy to some.

    A lot of people have looked for a lot of jobs over the years. The chance of finding one that no one knows about is slim. In general, the high-paying ones involve more work and preparation than the low-paying ones. To take two extreme examples, a high-school dropout can sometimes walk into a restaurant and get a job washing dishes, at minimum wage or below, right then. Brain surgeons make $5,000 an hour or so when they operate. They have 4 years of high school, 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 4 years of internship and residency.

    If you read the biographies of sports stars, you'll find most of them practiced 2 - 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, 50 weeks a year, from the 4th grade on.

  3. The Health Field, especially nurses (male or female), radioloists, physical theropists, etc.  You can go to your local college and get a certificate in about 2 years. Some hospitals will even pay for your schooling if you agree to work for them for 2 or 3 years afterwards.

  4. computer programmer, and anything that is "green'

  5.   Finance, anything to do with investing or working in corporate finance. People avoid finance because its supposed to be a 'hard' major, but it really isn't bad. You can do anything with a finance degree, even not work in finance, it's much respected in the real world, there are many different and interesting jobs in finance/investing/economics that also pay really good. Plus, you learn a lot of stuff that will help you in your personal life.

      Research jobs can also be really rewarding and interesting. And you can study any degree program.

  6. Radio Jockey.  Very much in demand and people dont opt because it requires lot of spontaneousness in oneself.

  7. Funeral Director, proctologist, or podiatrist?  

  8. I am currently an RN, but am going to be going back to school to get a Masters in Library Science (a Librarian) for my "old age" career as I do not want to be running the hospital floors and all stressed from my job when I get older.  Nursing is too physically demanding on older people.

  9.   astronot

  10. Air Traffic Controller; Tattoo Artist

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