
Can u tell me what this medicine does????? please :)?

by Guest60778  |  earlier

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and the other one is


they're both diffrent medicines

please tell me what it does, it's very important

thank u so much! :)




  1. Ibuprofen is a Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug (NSAID). 800mg is a WHOPPING dose. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) is a muscle relaxant.

    The person taking these drugs must have had an accident or hurt their back. The 800mg Ibuprofen is prescription only. You can take 4 Advil at once to get the same amount.

    Ibuprofen can eat a hole in the stomach very quickly. It can also cause liver or kidney failure (can't remember which one, Acetaminophen causes the other). The Flexeril is used to help muscles in spasm release so that healing can begin.

    If this person is taking these drugs without being in pain, this is an addictive thing.

    One thing about pain relievers is that the people who NEED them because of chronic, debilitating pain, DON'T become addicted to them. It's when they are taken recreationally that it is a problem.

    I used to take lots of Advil for headaches, but I have GERD, and it rips my guts up now.

  2. Ibuprofen is the same as Advil.  It's a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.  This is a large dose (the largest one made), so it is presumably for some heavy-duty pain.

    Cyclobenzaprine is also known as Flexeril.  It is a muscle relaxant.  

    The two together would probably be prescribed for someone who over-worked and is having some severe muscle cramps and aches.  Neither one is a "drug of abuse" - there is nothing to be concerned about if that's what you're thinking.

  3. ibuprofen is a  pain med i take it for headache or burning paine do to arthritis  cyclobenzaprine is  for muscle spaasm

  4. That's a large dose of ibuprofen and is most often used for inflammation and pain reduction.  It is suggested that you eat before taking to line the stomach as ibuprofen can cause stomach upset.

    Cyclobenzaprine is used as a muscle relaxant and is usually prescribed to promote rest, and used with physical therapy and other measures to relax muscles, and to relieve pain & discomfort caused by strains, sprains and other muscular injuries.  This is usually taken by mouth and for up to 4 times per day, and should not be taken for more than 3 weeks at a time.  DO NOT take extra if you miss a dose.  It can cause drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and upset stomach. This should also be taken with food to help coat your stomach.

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