
Can u use newspaper for a birds cage?

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Can i use newspaper 2 line the bottom of a bird cage? or do i hav 2 use the litter, i just think the littr is 2 messy and dont want 2 hav 2 clean it all cuz it makes things harder. CAN I USE THE NEWSPAPER???




  1. Yes, in fact my Avian Vet recommended using newspaper over the litter. She said some birds are allergic the the litter, plus she said it tends to house bacteria more than newspaper (do know about that, it's just what she said). They also make paper liners you can buy for your cage, you can get them at (they are a little preicey though).  

  2. Yes,you can safely use newspaper! The birds like to shred the paper,too,so it gives them something to do.

  3. I have 2 parrots a macaw and an amazon and I use paper, its easier and cleaner, and i change it everyday, only takes 2 minutes.

  4. it fine bird even play wit it my bird made a nest out of newspaper

  5. yeah, it's safe for them. litter is just nasty. all you have to do with newspaper is pick it up, toss it, and put down a new piece. it's a good way to recyle too!

  6. I use the same paper that they print newspapers on, but it hasn't been printed on yet. I got a huge roll of this stuff from the newspaper place for very cheap. I read somewhere that the ink can be bad, yet again another thing that can be bad. My conure loves to shred his paper, so at least this way I know that if he eats any it cant hurt him.

  7. Yes actually it is better and safer. You can monitor their droppings better and you can also feel better about them getting it and eating it  than if they eat the litter. Have seen many crop impactions from birds deciding that the litter looks and hmmm maybe taste like food of some sort. I try to use the black and white only because some of the colors come off on light birds. Also can monitor droppings better on black and white paper. It is way easier and faster to change to.  

  8. i think its better to use screen(that has a big hole) so that when they p**p it can be pass through it.  

  9. Yes you can, or you can also buy sand sheets from your local pet store. It's cheap and easier to use than litter.

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