
Can u wash candy wrappers using a wash machine?

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in my fashion class we have to make a garment of our choice and our raw materials are candy wrappers. I wanted 2 know if i was to wash my garment would the candy wrappers tear or get messed up?




  1. It depends on the wrapper.  

    Plastic wrappers are probably the best if you want to put it through a washing machine because they repel the water and are quite sturdy when it comes to water but most are clear so that poses as a problem for anyone who would want to wear the dress or whatever you are making.    

    Waxed paper when put through the wash, rips and loses it's colour.  It is highly prone to disintergrate at the edges and only leave a small colourless center.  

    Regular paper wrappers are by far the worst for washing.  They rip and fall apart on contact with water and the garment would be ruined.  

    All and all it doesn't really work to put it in the washign machine.

  2. if they are plastic they would fade(if colored)i wouldn't use paper because it would get ruined if washed.

    try my question:;...

  3. Lets say if theres a logo on it then it might wash off but its like anyother time you accidentaly wash a candy wrappper nothing happens to it. So you can wash it in a wahing machine

  4. they would probaby melt and rip due to what goes on in there. i think sticking to hand washing is a good idea.

  5. Well you can but your clothes will get messed up and the candy wrapper will tear  but an idea you could do for the project is: you can sow them on your pants or shirt.

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