
Can undiagnosed diabetes lead to anxiety and mood swings?

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My friend has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and has had anxiety and been very moody in the past few weeks. I need a website with facts stating that this was the result of undiagnosed and untreated diabetes.




  1. Diabetes is not that bad.  I am not one, but it does run in my family, so I try to eat healthy anyway.

    I found a good site yesterday called,  It explains diabetes the way anyone could understand it.

    Good luck.  And tell her she really should go to her doctor.

    There are too many bad end results if you don't, blindness, lose of a limb, arterial disease.

  2. It sure can!  My wife almost divorced me before I was diagnosed!


    [website of American Dianetes Association]

    for more information

  3. well, both can occur but your question is slightly unclear.

    to answer your first question, yes undiagnosed diabetes can lead to anxiety and mood swings.  for me it made me more irritable and prone to mood swings.

    your friend whose been recently diagnosed and has been moody might be this way because he hasn't accepted his diabetes or resents it.  that's very common with people who are newly diagnosed, eventually they overcome it and accept it.

  4. You could try

  5. That's a high possibility. I have depression and when I was diagnosed with diabetes, it explained a lot of it. Try finding an Endocrinologist in your area to send your friend to. It helps to have a doctor to go to on a regular basis.  

  6. Yes, sounds like your friend maybe suffering from depression.  There is help for that.  I hope that your Friend seeks it.  

  7. the main symptoms of diabetes are extreme thirst, hunger, severe pain in the calf muscles [below the knees],dizziness, realing sensation, mood swings,  extreme weakness,depression,debilitation,etc.

    In India the no. of undetected diabetes cases are more than diagnosed cases.

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