
Can uou safely delete old compressed files or?

by  |  earlier

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Hi community members,

Or do you need to save these on your pc? I'll return for what I feel was a best answer. Have a good AM. :0)




  1. i don't delete them. they should have a list of the files being compressed.

  2. if the files are created by you. then you can delete when your purpose of the files is done.. but if they are created by the system during the creating of the os and stuff.. they might be used by the system.. at some point or the other.. you might not be interested in deleting such files..

    if there are any such useless files microsoft dont keep such files.. dont you think so..

  3. some good files to remove are

    System Volume Information


    Temporary Internet Files

    these are found in C:\ Local disk

    if you cant see these hidden files

    >click Tools <in any file>

    >Click folder options

    >click View

    then click

    show hidden files and folders


    hide extensions for known file types

    hide protating systen file (recommended)

    use simple file sharing (recommended)

    click ok

    right click System Volume Information




    type your user name EG login name

    click check name

    ok then click on all boxes

    then go advanced


    click your name

    and tick the replace owner box

    and ok

    naw this shod let you in

    if you need any more help contact me

  4. if you don't know what it is, either leave it or google it. you don't want to end up accidentally deleting an important file like

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