
Can urine carry hiv?????

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ok we were at the beach and my sister in law had to go change in one of those bathrooms..(she had no choice) but she says the bathroom was nasty with urine all over the place but she was careful that her clothes didnt get stained with pee especially her underwear .but she is not sure if her underwear came in contact with any can she possible catch somthing?help she is soo paranoid




  1. No - pure urine, just the yellow stuff, can not. HIV is by BLOOD - so if you are on your period then it will carry HIV if you are bleedin' down there, but otherwise - urine does NOT carry HIV.

  2. Look, you have asked this same question under different names for the last 30 plus minutes....everyone has told you the same thing and I can't believe that you are actually talking about your sister-in-law to be this persistent. If you are this worried, call a health department or clinic tomorrow and speak to a trained health care professional to set your mind at ease. You need to hear it from someone in the medical field. If after hearing EVERYONE telling you no, take an aids test in a few months to prove it to yourself. Aids is a scary thing to have to consider granted but if you are not going to believe the answers that you keep getting, please quit asking the same question. By the way, while there can be small amounts of the virus in urine the amount is not enough to infect you and it would have to be introduced directly into your body's system. If you do not have any open sores where urine may have come into contact you have NO chance of contracting the virus. Aids typically cannot live outside of the body for a long period of time. Good Luck

  3. if you get blood in it, others youre clear

  4. i heard it is clean, lol  

  5. No she can't get HIV from urine. Once HIV hits the air it kills the disease. The only way she could get it is through exchange of fluids, iv, through a cut or something like that.

  6. No.... there are no studies that show HIV has been passed via urine.  HIV is a virus that resides mostly in blood...  it has been shown to be passed via breast milk, saliva (that contains blood), s***n and blood products themselves.

    The link below from the CDC will give you more factual information on the transmission of HIV.   Hope this helps


  7. very slim, almost non-

    existences chance

  8. I think she is being excessively paranoid as she would also have had to rub it into an open sore or cut. She should check with a doc though and get tested  and again every six months for 2 years.

    To the person who said only blood caries it, s***n and tears and saliva can all carry HIV as well as Hepatitis. I know of no reason urine couldn't. Check your facts before you get hurt....

  9. Yes. HIV is present in almost all body secretions but as in the case of some such as urine, saliva & mucus there isn't enough of the virus in these fluids to actually cause infection.

    HIV is in high enough quantities to infect when in BLOOD & SEXUAL Fluids.

    To put your mind at rest; as soon as HIV comes in contact with the open air it doesn't survive for more than a couple of minutes.

    Your sister in law will be fine.


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