
Can us soldiers vote during a war?

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Can us soldiers vote during a war?




  1. Yes of Course

  2. Yes, they vote from a special absentee ballot.  

  3. Of course they can, they will just have to fill out an absentee ballot.

  4. Yes, we have the same voting rights as any civilian.  If we are deployed during an election period we can submit an absentee ballet and mail it in.

  5. YES you can, Just register mail in vote.  

    And Please vote mcCain!

    God bless you and thank you for taking care of our country.

  6. yes

  7. Yes, fill out an absentee ballot, and mail it in as soon as possible.  There are different deadlines for different states, so keep up with those deadlines.

  8. They are supposed to have the same rights as you and I to an absentee ballot.  In 2000, and to a lesser extent in 2004, Democratic party lawyers got many of these absentee votes disqualified thus disenfranchising the soldiers, sailors and marines who are fighting for our country.  This would not have happened if the military had a habit of voting for Democrats, but, quite the contrary, they tend to vote Republican.  So disenfranchising them was a political tactic as opposed to, say, counting "hanging chads" and "pregnant chads", manufacturing votes in heavily Democratic counties in Florida that could have eventually usurped the election for Gore.  

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