
Can usa plz invade queensland brisbane nuke em?

by  |  earlier

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dont bomb all australia just brisbane and mayby the refs house. i vote the ref for man of the match he is the only reason brisvegas won.




  1. sour grapes, even if youd got the call you still woulda lost, the storm pfffft. got the broncos

  2. Shaun Shaun Shaun...... it's just a game.

  3. We wouldn't want to nuke our allies!  Australia is a friend of the U.S. and that would never happen.  We could Nuke anybody out there, but we learned a lesson from previous NUKES, that this is not a way to go.  Any country with a desire to use nukes, would be pushing a button that would bring an end to mankind.  This may eventually happen, but for any country to intentionally use these weapons would be signing their own death warrant.  Have Fun!!

  4. Oh dear, did Melbourne lose?  How sad.  Never mind (nya-nya nyh nya-nay)

  5. why did they win the rugby game

  6. See you next Footy Season. Go the Titans.

  7. sure you pay me 5 million in advance and another 5 after the job is done

  8. there is a fundamental flaw in your idea of bombing brissie.

    i live here and i support the storm, so do many others.

    i think this is what's wrong with the world, we get upset with minor things and go to extremes to resolve them.

    but i hear your anger and know you're upset about tonight's game, but don't despair, as in reality it was 'just a game'.

    look forward to next year, yeah.

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