
Can use snakes to get rid of rats in my attic or garage?

by Guest64233  |  earlier

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Someone suggested that and it seems like the snakes would just perhaps leave before realizing there were rats to eat at night. What kind of snakes would be best?




  1. dude then you would have snakes in your attic or garage, i'd rather have rats, but thats just my opinion. I guess snakes could get of the rats. But your still crazy. lol, good luck.

  2. How about rattle snakes? But later you have to get rid off them.


  3. Snakes are great, we use to have mice untill a bull snake moved in, he has a couple of holes right up against the house, he's about 4-5 ft long, dark grey with a white belly, i work outside by his holes tending my roses, he's never bothered me, poked his head out and watches me a couple a times when I make to much noise and leaves an occasional shedded skin in the garage now and then that sends my husband into a wild caveman frenzy but you know what? NO MORE MICE, natures pesticide

  4. A lot of snakes eat pinkies which are baby mice. So, you would need a sizable snake to eat the rats.

    You can buy traps to catch the rats. The traps may be less expensive. There are lots of traps discussed on the Internet that you can build for free. All you have to do is put food that rats like in the bottom of a tall garbage can and set the can next to something a rat can climb like a sofa or a ramp and the rats will be trapped.  

  5. Rent 'Snakes on a Plane' before you follow through.

  6. yes, but then you'll have a snake problem.

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