
Can using concealer hide smile lines??? Can they or not??

by  |  earlier

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not talking about the ones under eyes, i'm talking about the ones from smling too much. please don't give me an answer like smile lines are gorgeous cuz i feel really insecure about them




  1. No, but you can make them look less noticeable by applying a light powder to them.  Find a highlighting powder that is slightly lighter than your skin tone, put some on a fluffy brush, and light brush it into your face where you lines are.  It will minimize the shadows and creasing the lines make and make them disappear in some light too.  Bare Minerals Mineral Veil also works well for this purpose.

  2. okay well it all depends on how old you are but if  it bugs u that much . you should try this cream that they sell at ur nearest drugs store. it's called merlot ... it takes away's cheap and awesome but the big lines that are on the side of your face will probably only come out with a bot ox treatment but surely you dont want that.  

  3. Nothing can completely cover up smile lines. Just get those creams that help wrinkles.

  4. no, concealer will make them worse, it actually defines them more so... it happens sometiems when I put on too much foundations

    there's not much you can do about them... sorry :[

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