
Can using drugs in previous years have an effect on future children?

by Guest59119  |  earlier

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Heads up: This is not me. I have never done illegal drugs of any sort and never will.

If a person did drugs when they were younger, would it still be in their system and cause ill effects 5 years down the road when they had kids?




  1. nope, i smoked pot and tried cocaine, and i have a baby. i smoked weed only while i was pregnant and it didnt do anything to the baby. my baby was perfectly healthy. no im not stupid, i know im going to get alot of thumbs down, but ive known alot of people who did the same and nothing different happened.

  2. it isnt necesairilly a must but yes it can effect your children since your body remembers you (not you you but like people in general) haveing done drugs forever! it might not make them deformed or anything BUT they most likely will become addicted to drugs later on in life!

  3. The person of whom you are speaking should talk to a genetic counselor.  There are some drugs that can alter the DNA code. Her answer will depend upon what illegal drugs she was using.

  4. No problem if it's been that long nothing to worry about.

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