
Can using hairspray prevent you from getting head lice?

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My daughter starts kindergarten on Monday and I took her to the hair stylist yesterday.

The hair stylist told me that head lice is a pretty big problem in schools, and that spraying hairspray in your kids' hair every morning would prevent them from getting head lice. I have never heard of this before; does it really work and is it worth trying?





  1. yes that works.also try using olive oil & hair gel.they dont like that.[wash the oil out at least twice afterwards]

  2. No.

    But african american hair can't gget head lice. Its some sort of a natural oil in their hair.

  3. YES! last year my class had 8 cases of head lice! :( so i was freaking out so bad. my best friends said to me wear your hair up high (my hair is very long like down to my butt) and wear moose and or hairspray. all my friends did it and none of us got lice! also if she has bangs pull them back with a barrette and every night check for them! and head and shoulders dandruff shampoo helps keep them away! (even if she don't have dandruff!)

    best of luck,


  4. yep it does.

    lice was a huge issue in school last year for my daughters class.

    i hairsprayed her hair every morning, and put this cute head band that was netted and about 4 inches wide on her every morning, or put her hair in a pony tail or french braid.

    I also washed her hair in tea tree shampoo wich will help prevent lice aswell. she didnt get lice once last year.

    i would definatly recommend doing this to prevent it. way better then the alternative.

  5. My daughter has gotten lice 2 years in a row.  Kindergarten is the worse cause girls love to hug each other.  From my past experience, I can tell you the only thing that works is shampooing your child's hair with lavender shampoo.  For some reason, nits/lice do not like the smell of it - and it really works.  The moment I changed shampoo's she got it again.  I swear by this.  You can buy any kind, I buy the cheap one as long as it has lavender in it - it works!

  6. Yes it does work. I found a better solution was to wash my daughters hair in shampoo and conditioner with tea tree oil as lice hate the smell :)

  7. Both my kids had head lice and I've never heard of using hair spray. What worked best for them was to blow dry the hair. Lice don't like dry heat. Since your daughter doesn't have it then I would do that.

    If she still manages to get them, buy the lice shampoo and when you use it, leave in on for a few minutes (I think the directions say that) before rinsing. The comb that comes with it works great. Natural sunlight is the best way to see them. After shampooing and blow dry, go sit outside and comb through the hair. I felt like one of those monkeys that you see picking through another ones fur! LOL! That's basically what you have to do. Good luck.

  8. YES IT DOES BUT JUST USE A SHAMPOO because hairsprays can harm our environment. hairsprays causes CFC (chlorofluorocarbon)  that harm our ozone layer. If you care about our environment then stop doing this and use an alternative for it (there's a shampoo for head lice). SAVE MOTHER EARTH DON'T MAKE IT WORSE

  9. That hair dresser is full of bullshit.  Hair spray will not prevent your child from getting head lice. but it could cause her to have an allergic reaction, hair spray also attracts dirt from the air

    I'm suspecting it's a hair dressing ploy to sell product since most hair dressers only get minimum wage plus a commission on what they sell.

  10. it helps. but the most surefire way ive found is to put 15-20 drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo/conditioner and lice WILL NOT get anyplace near you. lice are rampant in my daughters school but she has avoided them so far this way.

    its also easier  on their hair and good for the scalp.

  11. does.  Lice like clean hair and tend to stay away from hair that is coated with either natural scalp oil or hairspray/gel etc.  A leave in conditioner would work too.  Your best bet is not not wash her hair's not necessary anyway.

    My kids are 10 and 14 and never had lice although they were exposed to it many times.

  12. Yes, hairspray is an effective prevention method. When applied to the hair it simulates a dirty environment very well, making it hard for the lice to move around and attach their eggs.

    I have found Tea Tree Oil to be the most effective prevention method.

    Here are 4 different head lice prevention methods with Tea Tree Oil:

    1. Mix 10 drops of Tea Tree oil in with your shampoo. This makes you totally invisible to the lice as they no longer regard you as human. As transferring to anything other than a human spells certain death, they are not even willing to take the chance. You can also buy Tea Tree shampoo already made but this is more expensive as tea tree oil can be picked up from your local health food store for around $6.

    2. Whenever your child goes out to school or play put their hair up in a tight plait. Lice find it harder to get hold of hair that is well up and out of the way. When two children are together on the floor colouring and their hair is hanging together you can see how much easier it is for them to swing to each other. Mist the child's hair with water in spray bottle and 10 drops of Tea Tree added. This will help to further repel them.

    3. It is possible to repel them by simulating dirty hair as this makes it hard for the lice to move around or attach their eggs. Gel is one way to simulate a dirty environment without the hair actually being dirty. If your boy has a modern style and uses products then mix in a few drops of Tea Tree oil. This will be a double whammy as the lice will not think you are human as well as it being impossible for them to move around or attach their eggs.

    4. You can also get leave in conditioner which will do the same trick again. Add 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil oil and spray this over a tight plait every day before school or play.

    Feel free to check out the articles at the following site for more advice.

    Good luck.

  13. Yes any type of hair product will help prevent it. People always assume its a dirty person problem but lice actually prefer clean hair that is why kids tend to get it most. I put some type of product in my kids hair after every bath and knock on wood they have not had it yet and are in 2nd and 4th grade. My sister had a horrible time with lice and her daughters hair once and I never wanted to go through that it took them 2 months to get completely rid of it. Lice do not like hair with hairspray or any products in it.

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