
Can using mouthwash and good brushing 2-3 times a day and eating healthy replace flossing?

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Just wondering because I HATE flossing more than anything in this universe. So if not any alternative?




  1. Sorry but nothing can replace flossing.The floss gets in between teeth where food and tarter hide.

  2. Uh no flossing gets out the meat loaf you had for dinner, not flossing can get you really bad cavity's. sorry i know this is not what you want to hear but flossing gives you no cavity teeth!

  3. No. You need flossing to get in between at the sides of your teeth.  No alternative.  Sorry sweetheart.  I hope you are using a good ANTISEPTIC mouth wash.  You don't have to buy expensive Listerine either.  Get Equate or equal brands (as long as it's ANTISEPTIC and comparable to Listerine.  Walmart and KMart have it.  

  4. Good try, but not at all. Flossing is the only way to get all of the food out from between the teeth and donw close to the gums.   If you are out and you can't floss, grab some of those neat plastic "toothpicks" called Brush Picks. They are interdental picks and a bit more convenient to use. You can get them pretty much everywhere, like Walmart. Good brushing is essential too, and a rinse is beneficial, and healthy eating is great. You wouldn't want to give that one up. You need to floss too. Great question and something we all ask because flossing seems to take so much time. Congratulations on taking good care of your teeth.  

  5. I brush for special occasions and I never have to floss my tooth. It's the nicest tooth in the family too (and the only one).

  6. no. you need to least every other day.

    ***it's a gimmick. there's no way it can get inbetween your teeth. :)

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