
Can vacuum cleaners make you deaf?

by  |  earlier

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My mom always wants me to vacuum but this really hurts my ears - EVEN WITH EAR PLUGS!


So.. i'm just wondering if they can make you deaf..





  1. Hearing loss happens from the intensity of the sound and the duration you are exposed to it.

  2. If u vacuum like 10 times a day for 10 years maybe

  3. they would probably give you tinnitus over a long period of time but I doubt it would cause you to go deaf

  4. stop being a ***** no they won't make you deaf watching a movie at the theaters or going to a concert is worse than a vacuum cleaner. i'm sure you blast your music high on your ipod or computer

  5. YES!! Especially if you're wearing earplugs!

  6. no

  7. lol your funny,

    maybe if you get those 500$ vacuum cleaners that are super quiet maybe not.

    but deaf i dont think it so,may be annoying though

  8. No, I use it all the time to clean my room, the sound is supper annoying though =]

  9. If you listen to a really loud vacuum for a long period of time, it's possible, but I wouldn't bet on it.

  10. no way. not deaf. it could hurt you, but not make you deaf

  11. What?

  12. Overtime...Yes... But you would have to Vaccum like 10 Times A WEEK! So No and Yes. Yes if your a clean freak and no if your a Pig like my teenage daughter

  13. if you hold it up to your ears for awhile


  14. It can cause damage to your ears.  Even hair dryers can cause damage to your ears.

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