
Can vampires or part vampires attend Hogwarts? Please be serious and diligent when answering. Thanks.?

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Can vampires or part vampires attend Hogwarts? Please be serious and diligent when answering. Thanks.?




  1. I doubt it

  2. I think Lupin was let to attend Hogwarts because he had some magical abilities before becoming one. So I believe that vampires could enter the school if they had some magical blood. it is not up for me to decide whether is that possible.

  3. I don't know. I think the ministry would NOT let that happen. You saw how touchy they were about werewolves. The only reason Lupin was allowed to go there was because of Dumbledore.

    There are vampires in the Harry Potter books, but we only see one at Slughorn's christmas party. So obviously they're not opposed to letting them inside the castle. But then again, I don't know if there would be any vampires young enough to attend Hogwarts.  

  4. Well really Jk.Rowling is referring to myths or the supernatural.

    Any day JK might write a new book of Harry meeting vampires who worships you-who-must-not-be-named or he gets his blood sucked out of him.

  5. Only magical beings can attend Hogwarts, and as far as I'm concerned, vampires don't have magical talent as they're not human. Plus, the Ministry of Magic would not allow that because most vampires cannot control their urge for human blood causing them to attack a student. I don't think that would work.

    EDIT: Lupin was not a vampire!! He was a werewolf.....

  6. Well...what exactly is a part vampire? I mean the only mentions of half breeds are Hagrid and his girlfriend, and what's her face, the french one who is half veela. I don't really think a vampire would be up for ...romantic actions with a human...Then again, some people do for animals so...

    I can't really imagine Jk having vampires like the ones in Twilight. I mean, if you remember Slughorn's party and the vampire that was there, it was more like a starving man in a candy store.

    So I would seriously doubt it. The amount of trouble that dumbledore went through just to allow Lupin into Hogwarts as a student and also the fact that he had to leave as a Professor, even though that potion which let him keep his human thoughts was available... No, I'd just have to say no.

  7. Probably only part vampires. Like humans, wizards/witches consider themselves superior to other creatures. So they would need that kind of magic in them to go to hogwarts school of WITCHcraft and WIZARDry

  8. Only in fan fiction or crossovers.

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